A Vintage Upsherin

What a fun Upsherin! (3 year old birthday party where traditionally the little birthday boy’s hair is cut for the first time.) When Monica (the mom) came yo us with Vintage cars in mind, Michal from mlwdesign went to action designing the perfect logo and invite.
Once the branding was put in motion it was time to come up with great decor ideas for the event. Balloons, foam core art backdrops (including a 3D car and street sign), toy cars and hubcaps were in order. Gorgeous cloths from D Squared completed the look. Gad Elbaz made an appearance. And no upsherin is complete without custom Kippah’s designed with an original pattern. Naomi Cohen and Michal Weinstein teamed up to make help plan and coordinate this party. Check out the pictures and video below.
A Vintage Car Upsherin